Monday, October 11, 2010

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things....

Trying to post a blog entry about things I love is hard. It's like on those dating sites where they ask you to write a self summary and it takes you a half an hour to write a paragraph about yourself. Come on? How hard can it be to talk about yourself? Well, here goes nothing.

As many of you know, I am obsessed with computers. I have loved them ever since my dad started working in the field. I've been around them my entire life pretty much. I never had my own until I graduated high school and after a few years I bought my own, and for some reason when you spend your own monwy on something like that it means a lot more to you....   After you research it, and price out the competition.....   and after I saved for it over a whole summer....   That kind of thing. So finally in the summer of 2009 I bought the Beast.

Yep. There he is. A beautiful, state of the art piece of machinery build for nerds to get their game on....   But I use it to do homework on....   You know how it is.  And I do nerd out when I get the time...   Same with reading. I love to read, but I never seem to have the time anymore.
It's kinda funny though. I hated reading until the 7th grade once I finally read the first Harry Potter after years of my grandmother trying to get me to read them. It took off from there and I was that weird kid in middle school and high school who read all those fantasy books about vampires, werewolves, and other things that don't exist, which is kinda funny cause I love to draw things that don't exist: fairies, dragons, unicorns, you name it, I've drawn it. Lately, now that my friends and I are of age, I have had an obsession with drawing tattoos, which is another obsession at the moment: koi fish.
 I draw them everywhere....   Thinking of the fact that I am a pieces doesn't help matters. Just the deeper meaning behind the fish, the Yin and the Yang, all that good stuff. There is a connection. Maybe that's why I am so attracted to the beach. It's my favorite place in the entire world.
 My family used to go on vacation in Cape San Blas, Florida and it has become a place full of memories and life lessons. I think things like that always happen on family vacations. We used to go to Ohio a lot to see family and my favorite part was the car trip. We would always leave at about dinner time and travel through the night and arrive at some freakishly early hour in the morning so that my sister and I would sleep the whole way.
I guess that's why I love night driving so much. There's something about driving at night, especially in the summer, with the windows down and the music bumping that is just really soothing for me.
I do love music, but I like loud music even more. Something that I can sing to and makes me forget about all the problems in my life if only for just 4 minutes. It's so much fun to loose yourself in the beats of the bass while you drive down the road with the wind flying through your hair, singing at the top of your lungs, making yourself look like a complete idiot.

But as all of you know, life is no fun unless you can enjoy the small things.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Flower Power

As most of you have heard me talk about, I took a horticulture class my senior year of high school. Ever since, there has been a special place in my heart for plants and the means of nurturing them. That's why for this entry I have chosen to post about floral and horticulture trade shows. I attended a few of them in high school, and a few more than my other class mates since I was a member of the FFA. They are great places to gather inspiration and ideas for home protects, future designs, and to just enjoy being close to our 'greener' cousins.

Southeastern Flower Show 2009 - Atlanta

Southeastern Flower Show 2007 - Atlanta

World Floral Expo - Miami

Philadelphia International Flower Show

Other Shows:
International Floriculture Expo - Miami
Chicago Flower & Garden Show

All in all, floral shows are great places to see beautiful things that are grown here on earth that we as humans have turned into living art work. Just to see the exquisite designs and competitions in person is a priceless experience to be remembered.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Round 'Em Up!

Why seahorses?  Well, all in all seahorses have always intrigued me. With my favorite animal being a horse, the seahorse is almost like its miniature, aquatic cousin.  Besides being peculiar creatures, they also hold places in mythology since ancient times. For Greeks and Romans, seahorses were affiliated with Poseidon and were considered symbols of power and strength. Other European civilizations believed they carried lost sailors’ souls to the underworld.  Ancient Chinese saw them as a sort of sea dragon, and they were considered powerful and thought to be good luck. Seahorses are simple, delicate, and somber creatures. Now wouldn’t it be nice to be a seahorse for a day?

1. Metal Puzzle
2. Riverstones
3. Water Spigot
4. Bracelet
5. “The Seahorse” - Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
6. Shoe Charm
7. Table Lamp
8. Fountain
9. Candle Holder
10. Oil Burner
11. Pendant
12. Fish Bowl
13. Ring
14. Necklace
15. Bird Bath
16. Hand Bag
17. Roman Floor Mosaic